I present here the early historical milestones that have led us to where we are now in computer vision. I cover the years between the 60s and early 80s.

Posts discussing education and presenting informative posts on how things work
I present here the early historical milestones that have led us to where we are now in computer vision. I cover the years between the 60s and early 80s.
In last week’s post I talked about plotting tracked customers or staff from video footage onto a 2D floor plan. This is an example of video analytics and data mining that can be performed on standard CCTV footage that can give you insightful information such as common movement patterns or common places of congestion at […]
Data mining is a big business. Everyone is analysing mouse clicks, mouse movements, customer purchase patterns. Such analysis has proven to give profitable insights that are driving businesses further than ever before. But not many people have considered data mining videos. What about all that security footage that has stacked up over the years? Can […]
This is another post that has been inspired by a question posed in a forum: “What are the open research areas in image processing?”. My answer? Everything is still an open research area in image processing/computer vision! But why is this the case? You’d think that after decades of research we’d feel comfortable in saying […]
This post has been inspired by a question someone asked in a forum. This person was a new but competent programmer who was trying to move into Computer Vision (CV) in the industry. However, he rightly noticed that “most of the job requirements [in computer vision] are asking for a PhD”. Indeed, this is true. And […]
“What are some good thesis topics in Computer Vision?” This is a common question that people ask in forums – and it’s an important question to ask for two reasons: There’s nothing worse than starting over in research because the path you decided to take turned out to be a dead end. There’s also nothing […]
I was rewatching “Bourne Identity” the other day. Love that flick! Heck, the scene at the end is one of my favourites. Jason Bourne grabs a dead guy, jumps off the top floor landing, and while falling shoots a guy square in the middle of the forehead. He then breaks his fall on the dead […]